What's the weather like during March in Namibia?


The rain in Namibia starts dissipating in March. The overall weather conditions are moderate to good. Game viewing safaris are still not advised during March.

The rain in Namibia starts dissipating in March. The overall weather conditions are moderate to good. Game viewing safaris are still not advised during March. Travelling through the southern and western parts of Namibia during March is recommended as the temperatures start to drop and make for pleasant trips.

  • Average Day Time Temperature = 27 degrees Celsius

  • Average Night Time Temperature = 15 degrees Celsius

  • Average Rainfall = 55MM

  • Average Daylight Hours = 12

Weather in March

Namibia Weather in March

  • Days are still hot, with pretty high chances of rain.

  • March is at the end of the wet season and slightly less hot than February

  • Some rain can still be expected in the central and northern areas of Namibia

Namibia Highlights in March

  • Availability of properties is generally good

  • Rates are relatively low

  • Towards the end of the month, the amount of rain tends to decrease

  • There are a lot of young animals following the calving season

  • Many migratory birds can be seen

  • Young animals make for a beautiful subject for wildlife photographers.

Namibia Lowlights in March

  • March is a popular time for South Africans to visit Namibia.

  • March is still not suitable for good game viewing.

  • There are still plenty of bugs at night.

  • The condition of the gravel roads might be poor during March due to some flooding. Always drive below the speed limit on wet gravel roads.

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All of us are well travelled locals with extensive travel experience and knowledge. Our guides are also the best in the industry


All of us are well travelled locals with extensive travel experience and knowledge. Our guides are also the best in the industry


All of us are well travelled locals with extensive travel experience and knowledge. Our guides are also the best in the industry